Friday, April 29, 2016

I LOVE this picture. It's not only a cool picture with colorful animals but it brings back a lot of fun memories that I probably wouldn't remember if I  hadn't of taken a pic:) This was taken in November and i'd do anything to go back to it.
this picture is one of my favorites because I took it at a construction site.By putting a filter on it, it changes the whole mood of the picture:)
I've been thinking about my goal lately and I've realized that my goal Isn't just to take pictures and put a filter on it. My goal for this project is to make things that people don't usually see as "photography"photography. I want to take pictures of things that catch my attention or just take pictures of my friends so I can remember everything that we did and especially take pictures of good moments of my life because then I can relive them over and over again. So photography doesn't just have to be taken with an expensive camera and expensive places. you have the best things to capture right in front of you.:)))
hey!!!! its friday and im going to the beach again at 12:00pm. im so exited because i need a weekend to get away and have fun, and the beach is just the place to do it. i wll take a lot of pictures and ill upload them soon after:)

Friday, April 1, 2016

   Today I'm very exited because I'm going to the beachhhh!! its disappointing that i only get to stay a full day, we were supposed to check out yesterday and leave then but I had a track meet I had to go to because I was picked to do the 3200 and I've never done it before. Then at about 12:30 the track meet got canceled so we really could have left yesterday and I could be at the beach right now:/ that makes me sooo mad but I have really bad luck so I've gotten used to it. but on the bright sidddeee. i will be able pot a lot of pictures from the beach !
                                                                      peace love,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

hey:) sorry i have not posted lately. with soccer and track everyday, its hard to keep a steady blog going . I will try to post as much as I can!      
                                                           peace, Anna Collins

Friday, February 26, 2016

Welcome to my blog:) my name is Anna Collins Branch and I am a student at Auburn Junior High school. For language we are doing a project on what ever we want, and for my project I decided to do photography on my everyday life. I love taking pictures of cool things especially so I can look back on all the good times i had when i took the pictures. plus i edit all my pictures on vsco because it makes the picture 10 times better! my vsco page is this site......